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Extruded glass fiber reinforced plastic anode tube process equipment points

Source: Time:2017-10-27 13:58:15 views:

Pultrusion glass fiber reinforced plastic anode tube, the resistivity of not more than 150 ohms, wall thickness of not more than 2.7 mm per meter weight of not more than 5.7 kg, than the hand-paste glass steel anode tube to reduce supplies 30%, the device is characterized by pultrusion speed is stable,
Pultrusion glass fiber reinforced plastic anode tube, the resistivity of not more than 150 ohms, wall thickness of not more than 2.7 mm per meter weight of not more than 5.7 kg, than the hand-paste glass steel anode tube to reduce supplies 30%, the device is characterized by pultrusion speed is stable, Speed of 0.4 m / min, a high degree of automation equipment, each class 3-4 individuals, traction clamping force uniform, easy to crush, traction, easy to plug the mold.

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